Results for 'Ḥasan Mūsa Ṣaffār'

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  1.  47
    Kitāb Firaq al-Shī'ahKitab Firaq al-Shi'ah.Philip K. Hitti, Abu-Muḥammad al-Ḥasan ibn-Mūsa al-Nawbakhti, Hellmut Ritter & Abu-Muhammad al-Hasan ibn-Musa al-Nawbakhti - 1934 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 54 (2):214.
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    The Use of Narration in Baghawi Commentary Named Ma'lim at-Tanzîl (Example of Surah al-Sajdah).Musa Erkaya & Mustafa Beyaz - 2024 - Fırat Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 29 (1):33-49.
    Sunnah, one of the two basic sources of the Islamic religion, has survived to the present day through transmission. The Messenger of Allah, the first interpreter of the Quran, explained the obscurities in the verses, the reason for their revelation and their context. Because, in addition to his duty to convey, he also has a duty to inform. For this reason, the Sunnah is considered a basic source, just like the Qur’an. The Qur’an was revealed fourteen centuries ago, gradually over (...)
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  3. Dini Epistemoloji Nedir?Musa Yanık - 2022 - İstanbul, Türkiye: Düşün Yayıncılık.
    Dini epistemoloji, teistik inançların rasyonel zeminde gerekçelendirilme yollarını arayan, çağdaş epistemolojinin bir alt dalıdır. Musa Yanık, bu kitapta günümüzdeki en güçlü yaklaşım olan reform epistemolojisinden güvenilircilik bakış açısıyla yani “daha yüksek bir olasılıkla doğru olması yönünden” İslam inancının rasyonelliğini ortaya koymakta ve uygulamalı dini epistemolojinin sağlam ve cesur bir örneğini sergilemektedir. (Prof. Dr. Hasan Yücel Başdemir) -/- Epistemoloji topyekûn insan zihnini biçimlendirme ve inanç da dahil olmak üzere bilişsel faaliyetleri yönlendirme potansiyeline sahip bir alandır. Zira Allah’ın varlığı, birliği, nübüvvet ve (...)
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    Marwan Rashed, al-Ḥasan ibn Mūsā al-Nawbaḫtī, Commentary on Aristotle De generatione et corruptione: Edition, Translation and Commentary. Scientia graeco-arabica 19. Berlin/Boston: Walter De Gruyter, 2015, x + 438 pp. [REVIEW]Andreas Lammer - 2019 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 101 (3):471-476.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie Jahrgang: 101 Heft: 3 Seiten: 471-476.
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  5. Māturīdī Theologian Abū Ishāq al-Zāhid al-Saffār’s Vindication of the Kalām = Māturīdī Theologian Abū Ishāq al-Zāhid al-Saffār’s Vindication of the Kalām.Demir Abdullah - 2016 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 20 (1):445-502.
    Abū Ishāq al-Ṣaffār was one of scholars of the Western Qarakhānids’ period who followed the Kalām thought of al-Māturīdī (d. 333/944). His theological works Talkhīs al-adilla and Risāla fī al-kalām, his method in kalām, and frequent reference to his works by Ottoman and Arab scholars indicate that al-Ṣaffār is a respected and authorative Māturīdī theologian. The article focuses on his defense of the kalām. By adding a long introduction to Talkhīs about the naming, importance, and religious legitimacy of the science (...)
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    The Sunnah of the Prophet in Terms of Binding: -Example Husayn b. ‘Alî al-Saymarî-.Davut Tekin - 2024 - van İlahiyat Dergisi 11 (19):8-21.
    The Prophet, whom Allah sent the whole universe and humanity as mercy, produced not only many judicial rules and practices regarding the relations of a person with Allah and other people in Islam but also uttered sentences about the explanation of holy book, Qur’an, and about how this book can be put into practice. The issue whether and how much these sentences of the prophet (hadith) and acts of the prophet (Sunnah) are binding have been discussed by both hadith methodologists (...)
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  7. Phenomenal conservatism, classical foundationalism, and internalist justification.Ali Hasan - 2013 - Philosophical Studies 162 (2):119-141.
    In “Compassionate Phenomenal Conservatism” (2007), “Phenomenal Conservatism and the Internalist Intuition” (2006), and Skepticism and the Veil of Perception (2001), Michael Huemer endorses the principle of phenomenal conservatism, according to which appearances or seemings constitute a fundamental source of (defeasible) justification for belief. He claims that those who deny phenomenal conservatism, including classical foundationalists, are in a self-defeating position, for their views cannot be both true and justified; that classical foundationalists have difficulty accommodating false introspective beliefs; and that phenomenal conservatism (...)
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    Is stiffness the mainspring of posture and movement?Z. Hasan - 1992 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 15 (4):756-758.
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    Beyond Feminist Aesthetics: Feminist Literature and Social Change (review).Ruth El Saffar - 1990 - Philosophy and Literature 14 (2):407-409.
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    Luce Irigaray: Philosophy in the Feminine (review).Ruth El Saffar - 1993 - Philosophy and Literature 17 (1):145-147.
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    Michal Czajkowski and Cossack Cavalry Regiment in Ottoman State.Musa GÜMÜŞ - 2010 - Journal of Turkish Studies 5:1362-1375.
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    Türklerde Vatan Kültürünün Oluşumu: Anadolu Tecrübesi.Musa GÜMÜŞ - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 9):1553-1553.
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    Od metafore-riječi do metafore-funkcije. Prilog metodologiji proučavanja metaforike u književnom tekstu.Tea Rogić Musa - 2012 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 32 (1):139-152.
    U radu se obrazlaže interpretacijski model prepoznavanja, razumijevanja i tumačenja metaforike u pjesničkom tekstu, koji s jedne strane omogućuje sintaktički uvid u tekst, a s druge semantičku analizu, s ciljem cjelovite interpretacije pjesme. Podjela metaforičkih iskaza na razine riječi, rečenice, teksta i jezika metodologijski je aparat usredotočen na kompozicijsko- strukturalni opis pjesničkoga teksta. Čitanje pjesničke metaforike kao konstrukcije i funkcije te dominantnoga poetičkoga obilježja u pojedinim opusima nudi mogućnost izravnoga interpretativnoga povezivanja pojedinačnih pjesama s poetikom autora, književne skupine, stilske formacije (...)
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    Üstün Yetenekli Öğrencilerin Tarih Dersine Yönelik Tutumlarının Cinsiyet Ve Sını.Hasan Sungur - 2016 - Journal of Turkish Studies 11 (Volume 11 Issue 19):739-739.
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    Rawls on Meaningful Work and Freedom.Rafeeq Hasan - 2015 - Social Theory and Practice 41 (3):477-504.
    In this article, I criticize Rawls’s well-ordered society for failing to secure a right to meaningful work. I critically discuss five technical Rawlsian ideas: self-respect, social union, the difference principle, the powers and prerogatives of office, and fair equality of opportunity. I then claim that radical restructuring of the workplace conflicts with Rawls’s individualistic understanding of freedom. Briefly drawing on Hegel, an under-recognized historical influence on Rawls, I then correct Rawls by arguing for a conception of freedom that is internally (...)
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  16. Classical Foundationalism and Bergmann’s Dilemma for Internalism.Ali Hasan - 2011 - Journal of Philosophical Research 36:391-410.
    In Justification without Awareness (2006), Michael Bergmann presents a dilemma for internalism from which he claims there is “no escape”: The awareness allegedly required for justification is either strong awareness, which involves conceiving of some justification-contributor as relevant to the truth of a belief, or weak awareness, which does not. Bergmann argues that the former leads to an infinite regress of justifiers, while the latter conflicts with the “clearest and most compelling” motivation for endorsing internalism, namely, that for a belief (...)
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  17. Internalist Foundationalism and the Sellarsian Dilemma.Ali Hasan - 2013 - Res Philosophica 90 (2):171-184.
    According to foundationalism, some beliefs are justified but do not depend for their justification on any other beliefs. According to access internalism, a subject is justified in believing some proposition only if that subject is aware of or has access to some reason to think that the proposition is true or probable. In this paper I discusses a fundamental challenge to internalist foundationalism often referred to as the Sellarsian dilemma. I consider three attempts to respond to the dilemma – phenomenal (...)
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  18. Democracy, dissensus and the aesthetics of class struggle: An exchange with jacques rancière.Rafeeq Hasan, Max Blechman & Anita Chari - 2005 - Historical Materialism 13 (4):285-301.
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    Are errors in final position destined before the movement begins?Z. Hasan - 1992 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 15 (2):341-342.
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    Attitudes of prehospital emergency care professionals toward refusal of treatment.Hasan Erbay, Sultan Alan & Selim Kadioglu - 2014 - Nursing Ethics 21 (5):530-539.
    Introduction: Prehospital emergency medicine is a specific field of emergency medicine. The basic approach of prehospital emergency medicine is to provide patients with medical intervention at the scene of the incident. This special environment causes health professionals to encounter various problems. One of the most important problems in this field is ethics, in particular questions involving refusal of treatment and the processes associated with it. Objective: The objective of this study is to identify emergency health professionals’ views regarding refusal of (...)
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    fNIRS differentiates cognitive workload between concussed adolescents and healthy controls.Hasan Ayaz, Kristy Arbogast, Fairuz Mohammed, Ronni Kessler, Lei Wang, Eileen Storey, Olivia Podolak, Matthew Grady, Andrew Mayer, Catherine McDonald & Christina Master - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
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    Linguistik Indonesia: pengantar memahami hakikat bahasa.Hasan Busri - 2018 - Malang, Jatim: Madani Media. Edited by Moh Badrih.
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    Şeyhî'nin Gazellerine Tasavvufî Bakış.Hasan Cankurt - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 3):321-321.
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  24. Personal epistemology, nature of science and instructional practice: towards defining a meaningful relationship.Hasan Deniz - 2017 - In Gregory J. Schraw, Jo Brownlee & Lori Olafson, Teachers' personal epistemologies: evolving models for informing practice. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing, Inc,..
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  25. Gender, African philosophies, and concepts.Musa Wenkosi Dube (ed.) - 2024 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This volume sets out to explore, propose, and generate feminist theories based on African indigenous philosophies and concepts. It investigates specific philosophical and ethical concepts that emerge from African Indigenous Religions and considers their potential for providing feminist imagination for social-justice oriented Earth Communities. The contributions examine African indigenous concepts such as Ubuntu, ancestorhood, trickster discourse, storytelling, and ngozi. They look to deconstruct oppressive social categories of gender, class, ethnicity, race, colonialism, heteronormativity, and anthropocentricism. The book will be of interest (...)
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    Folk Religions in Modern Israel: Sacred Space in the Holy Land.Galit Hasan-Rokem - 1999 - Diogenes 47 (187):83-87.
    Israel is a country of many cultures and languages and of several religions. The majority of the population adheres to the Jewish religion. The Moslem and the Christian religions come next in size, in that order. Similarly to many other countries in the region, religion fills a more central role in the public sphere of Israel than in most Western countries. It also influences the private sphere immensely, as for example in the matter of marriages and funerals which in most (...)
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    The Relation between Theory and Practice in Muslim Sages' Thoughts in the Third and Fourth Hijra Centuries and Its Effects on Concept of Craft and Art in Islamic Civilization.Hasan Bolkhari Ghehi - 2013 - Philosophy Study 3 (6).
    Farabi defines “Ilm al-Hiyal” in Ihsa al-Ulum as “knowing a way by which, human can adjust all of the concepts that have been proved in mathematics with verification to exotic objects, and helps their states in exotic objects to be carried”. He believes this will be recognized and be attained by craft. This was the common view in Islamic wisdom and philosophy in third and fourth Hijra centuries. Researchers believe that the unique emphasis on parallelism between theoretical science and practical (...)
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    Effect of Teaching Lessons Based on Activities wiht First and Second Hand Sources to Students’ Historical Thinking Abilities in Secondary School History Lessons.Hasan IŞIK - 2010 - Journal of Turkish Studies 6:1323-1337.
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    İbn Arabi Ontoloji'sinde İnsan Metaforları.Kaval Musa - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 14):433-433.
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    Yunus Emre Divanı'nın Türkçe Öğretimi Açısından İncelenmesi.Musa Kaya - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 12):423-423.
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    Kişilik Gelişiminde İçsel Çatışmanın Rolü: Nefsin Mertebelerinden Olumlu Çözülme.Hasan Meydan - 2016 - Journal of Turkish Studies 11 (Volume 11 Issue 7):247-247.
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    (1 other version)Unifying the universe: the physics of heaven and earth.Hasan S. Padamsee - 2002 - Philadelphia: Institute of Physics Publishing.
    Unifying the Universe: The Physics of Heaven and Earth provides a solid background in basic physics. With a humanistic perspective, it shows how science is significant for more than its technological consequences. The book includes clear and well-planned links to the arts and philosophies of relevant historical periods to bring science and the humanities together.
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    \(n\)-Fold Filters of EQ-Algebras.Batoul Ganji Saffar, Rajab Ali Borzooei & Mona Aly Kologani - 2022 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 51 (4):455-486.
    In this paper, we apply the notion of \(n\)-fold filters to the \(EQ\)-algebras and introduce the concepts of \(n\)-fold pseudo implicative, \(n\)-fold implicative, \(n\)-fold obstinate, \(n\)-fold fantastic prefilters and filters on an \(EQ\)-algebra \(\mathcal{E}\). Then we investigate some properties and relations among them. We prove that the quotient algebra \(\mathcal{E}/F\) modulo an 1-fold pseudo implicative filter of an \(EQ\)-algebra \(\mathcal{E}\) is a good \(EQ\)-algebra and the quotient algebra \(\mathcal{E}/F\) modulo an 1-fold fantastic filter of a good \(EQ\)-algebra \(\mathcal{E}\) is an (...)
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    From Logic in Islam to Islamic Logic.Musa Akrami - 2017 - Logica Universalis 11 (1):61-83.
    Speaking of relations between logic and religion in Islamic world may refer to logic in two respects: logic in religious texts, from doctrinal sacred texts such as Qur’ān and sayings of the Prophet to the Qur’ānic commentaries and the texts related to the principles and fundamentals of jurisprudence, all of which make use of some reasoning to persuade the audiences or to infer the rules and prescripts for religious behavior of the members of religious community; and logic as a discipline (...)
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  35. Al-Ghazali and Ibn Rush (Averroes) on Creation and the Divine Attributes.Ali Hasan - 2013 - In Jeanine Diller & Asa Kasher, Models of God and Alternative Ultimate Realities. Springer. pp. 141-156.
    Al-Ghazali (1058-1111) was concerned that early Islamic philosophers were leaning too heavily and uncritically on Aristotelian and Neoplatonic ideas in developing their models of God and His relation to the world. He argued that their views were not only irreligious, but philosophically problematic, and he defended an alternative view aimed at staying closer to the Qur’an and the beliefs of the ordinary Muslim. Ibn Rushd (1126-1198) responded to al-Ghazali’s critique and developed a sophisticated Aristotelian view. The present chapter explores their (...)
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  36. Postcolonial Feminist Interpretation of the Bible.Musa W. Dube - 2000
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    From Logical Complementarity and Pluralism to Super-logic.Musa Akrami - 2007 - In Jean-Yves Béziau & Alexandre Costa-Leite, Perspectives on Universal Logic. Milan, Italy: Polimetrica. pp. 67.
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    The Difficulties with Popper's Nontraditional Conception of Metaphysics.Musa Akrami - 2009 - In Zuzana Parusniková & Robert S. Cohen, Rethinking Popper. London: Springer. pp. 397--416.
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    Nurse managers' experience with ethical issues in six government hospitals in Malaysia: A cross-sectional study.Maizura Binti Musa, Md Harun-Or-Rashid & Junichi Sakamoto - 2011 - BMC Medical Ethics 12 (1):23.
    Background: Nurse managers have the burden of experiencing frequent ethical issues related to both their managerial and nursing care duties, according to previous international studies. However, no such study was published in Malaysia. The purpose of this study was to explore nurse managers' experience with ethical issues in six government hospitals in Malaysia including learning about the way they dealt with the issues. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in August-September, 2010 involving 417 (69.2%) of total 603 nurse managers in (...)
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    Temat islame.Hasan Čengić - 1999 - Shkup: Logos-A.
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    Who Do You Say that I Am?Musa W. Dube - 2007 - Feminist Theology 15 (3):346-367.
    This article is an amalgam of four talks given over several days at The Community of Women and Men in Mission Conference. The overall title `Who do you say that I am?' covers the subjects of Jesus the Liberator, The Healer, The One Who Empowers, and The One Who Sends Us. The author explores these issues in the context of Africa and opens a very illuminating set of questions.
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    Usage On Adverbs With +La Suffix In Old Türkiye Turkish Period.Musa Duman - 2008 - Journal of Turkish Studies 3:345-355.
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  43. Transmission du charisme et institutionnalisation: Les cas de la Zawiya d'Ouezzane, Maroc XVIème-XIXème siècles.Hasan Elboudrari - 1991 - Al-Qantara 12 (2):523-536.
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  44. Sari Yelekli̇Lerden Aşi Karşitlarina: Fransa'da Toplumsal Muhalefet.Hasan Güler - 2021 - Arete Political Philosophy Journal 1 (2):31-46.
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    Incorporating alternative splicing and mRNA editing into the genetic analysis of complex traits.Musa A. Hassan & Jeroen P. J. Saeij - 2014 - Bioessays 36 (11):1032-1040.
    The nomination of candidate genes underlying complex traits is often focused on genetic variations that alter mRNA abundance or result in non‐conservative changes in amino acids. Although inconspicuous in complex trait analysis, genetic variants that affect splicing or RNA editing can also generate proteomic diversity and impact genetic traits. Indeed, it is known that splicing and RNA editing modulate several traits in humans and model organisms. Using high‐throughput RNA sequencing (RNA‐seq) analysis, it is now possible to integrate the genetics of (...)
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    Semantic Variation: Meaning in Society and in Sociolinguistics.Ruqaiya Hasan - 2009 - Equinox. Edited by Jonathan Webster.
    The sociolinguistic turn of the 1960's has been remarkably successful: variability of language is no longer an issue open to debate. But studies of variation have by and large been restricted to the level of expression. This volume makes a contribution to a neglected area in sociolinguistics, namely variation at the level of meaning, i.e., semantic variation. The chapters in this volume discuss the results of an empirical research strongly supporting the view that systematic variation in the choice of semantic (...)
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    Personaliteti i mësuesit dhe pedagogut. Etika profesionale e tyre.Musa Kraja - 2012 - Tiranë: Botime.
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    The Memory of Tanzimat and How the Malay World Could Have Learned from It.Mohd Faizal Bin Musa - 2018 - Cultura 15 (1):177-193.
    This paper is diagnostic type rather than a solution one. There are claims among certain quarters that The Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948 is a Western mould human rights. However, I will argue that human rights are benchmark for modernization and progress in democracy, and it is traceable within Islam. Using Syed Hussein Alatas‘s Ideal of Excellence as thereotical framework, my attempt is to highlight the memory of Tanzimat during Ottoman empire as one triumph heritage and successful story of (...)
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    The Relationship Between Food Security and Trade Liberalization: Assessing the World Trade Organization’s Agreement on Agriculture and the Role of Transnational Corporations.Siti Musa - 2009 - International Corporate Responsibility Series 4:191-208.
    This paper addresses the issue of food security in developing countries and how agriculture plays an important role in achieving not only food security, but also in reducing poverty and promoting sustainable development. The promotion of trade liberalization by the World Trade Organization (WTO) through the Agreement on Agriculture (AoA) has undermined the productive capacity of developing countries and their comparative advantage in the agricultural sector, marginalizing small-scale farmers and benefitting the big corporations. The paper looks at the issue of (...)
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    Türkçede İsim Cümlelerinde Nesne.Bağdagül Musa - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 3):985-985.
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